First power up your terminal and log ind via. ssh. Ready for your first Debian command? To get new software installed you use: apt-get install package-name. We need a program to control the hard-disk. Its called sg3-utils.
type in: apt-get install sg3-utils
After the installation lets try to stop the harddisk from spinning around! Type in:
/usr/bin/sg_start --stop /dev/sdaAnd wollá .. congratz! :) your first spindown. Hopefully I'll soon provide a script which trigger this command if there is no harddisk activity after x amount of time. If you happen to know Of such, please send an e-mail or write an comment, thanks! :) You could use cron.. but if you are using the server it will spindown the harddisk no matter what = annoying
next we will be looking at rTorrent and the gui
7 kommentarer:
on the spindown issue try check out!!
I've just bought a USB-stick(2gb) an my plan is to have it be the system flash disk and then having the big 500 gb extern as just the file place.. more about it later :)
I've tried this on my slug and worked very well! I had tried other solutions with my previous harddrives but no luck!
Please check my slug debian page:
Hey, great blog!! I've just updated my link list with a link to your site! keep up the good work :)
maybe this is something :
I can connect my webpage locally but from outside it gives timeout error. I know that no port forwarding error fro router because I installed it through that connection. There must be a mistake. I can not connect to webpage, ssh ... it looks like a firewall preventing my connections. Do you have any idea about this
well.. it does sound like a router problem.. try leave your router from ur setup and connect ur modem to ur slug directly.. if u can connect now, u need to look in ur router manual for proper setup :)
Looks really interesting with the spindown app providede here :
thanks for the link champ
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